Our R&D projects
FC4HD – Heavy-duty fuel cell road demonstrator
Project partnersAVL List (consortium leader), MAGNA Energy Storage Systems, DB Schenker, OMV, Hydrogen Europe, HyCentA, TU Vienna, JKU Linz, WIVA P&G
Role of SYRIONProject management, requirements architecture, specification development and monitoring, go-to-market strategy
Project partnersAVL List (consortium leader), MAGNA Energy Storage Systems, DB Schenker, OMV, Hydrogen Europe, HyCentA, TU Vienna, JKU Linz, WIVA P&G
Role of SYRIONProject management, requirements architecture, specification development and monitoring, go-to-market strategy
trace-wood – Intelligent traceability of wood as the basis for a sustainable circular economy
Project partnersKompetenzzentrum Holz (consortium leader), ags – solutions, FRAISS IT, Holzcluster Steiermark, TEAM 7 Natürlich Wohnen, Forschungsinstitut für Textilchemie und Textilphysik/UIBK
Role of SYRIONOperational project management, system architect, change management, communication and dissemination, requirements architecture, evaluation, advanced development/exploitation strategies and approaches
Project partnersKompetenzzentrum Holz (consortium leader), ags – solutions, FRAISS IT, Holzcluster Steiermark, TEAM 7 Natürlich Wohnen, Forschungsinstitut für Textilchemie und Textilphysik/UIBK
Role of SYRIONOperational project management, system architect, change management, communication and dissemination, requirements architecture, evaluation, advanced development/exploitation strategies and approaches
SafeLIB – Safety Aspects of Lithium-Based Traction Batteries Including the Qualification for Second Life Applications
Systematic investigations and development of methods and tools to increase safety and reliability in the use of Li-ion batteries in mobile and stationary applications (1st- and 2nd-Life)
Project partners
TU Graz (consortium leader), Audi, Porsche, Mercedes Benz, Wacker Neuson, Fronius, Fill, DYNAmore, AVL, Infineon, JKU Linz, VVR
Role of SYRIONSupport of innovation management (incl. exploitation), dissemination management, project management/coordination, business models and 2nd life applications
Project partners
TU Graz (consortium leader), Audi, Porsche, Mercedes Benz, Wacker Neuson, Fronius, Fill, DYNAmore, AVL, Infineon, JKU Linz, VVR
Role of SYRIONSupport of innovation management (incl. exploitation), dissemination management, project management/coordination, business models and 2nd life applications
ECO-FCEV – Energy & Cost-Efficient Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles
Project partnersAVL List (consortium leader), Institut für Chemische Verfahrenstechnik und Umwelttechnik/TU Graz
Role of SYRIONProject Management, dissemination management, requirements management & monitoring, evaluation plan and test specifications, economic evaluation and development of exploitation scenarios
Project partnersAVL List (consortium leader), Institut für Chemische Verfahrenstechnik und Umwelttechnik/TU Graz
Role of SYRIONProject Management, dissemination management, requirements management & monitoring, evaluation plan and test specifications, economic evaluation and development of exploitation scenarios
IPCEI – Important Projects of Common European Interest
Large-volume enterprise projects to strengthen strategic European value chains and contribute to growth, employment and competitiveness of European industry and the economy
Project in the context of “IPCEI Hydrogen” (Phase 2 and Phase 3): 2021
Project in the context of “IPCEI Life Sciences” (Phase 2): 2021 -
Austrian company from the hydrogen/electrolysis sector
Austrian company from the field of life sciences/production -
Role of SYRION
Support for Austrian companies in the preparation of applications (e.g. description of future market effects and limitation of distortions of competition and trade; quality assurance of the overall application)
Project in the context of “IPCEI Hydrogen” (Phase 2 and Phase 3): 2021
Project in the context of “IPCEI Life Sciences” (Phase 2): 2021 -
Austrian company from the hydrogen/electrolysis sector
Austrian company from the field of life sciences/production -
Role of SYRION
Support for Austrian companies in the preparation of applications (e.g. description of future market effects and limitation of distortions of competition and trade; quality assurance of the overall application)
Expertise in EU Projects
SYRION and its experts have decades of in-depth experience in funded European RDTI projects (Horizon Europe, H2020, FFP7, FP6) of all sizes, regarding proposal coordination (“from idea to overall concept”), project coordination (“from start to finish”) as well as subject-specific/technical contributions as a project partner.
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